Cuba Travel Articles • Expert Vagabond Adventure Travel Blog Adventure Travel & Photography Blog Thu, 09 Jun 2022 14:26:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 I Traveled To Cuba & The US Government Didn’t Like It Wed, 08 Jul 2020 22:08:51 +0000 A few years after I traveled to Cuba as an American, I received an official subpoena by the US Treasury Department for possible economic sanctions violations.

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

Cuba Travel Ban

Consequences For Traveling To Cuba

Havana, Cuba

A few years after I traveled to Cuba as an American, I received an official subpoena by the US Treasury Department for possible economic sanctions violations.

Four years ago I traveled to Cuba during the Obama administration, when travel restrictions to the island were progressively being relaxed and diplomatic relations were improving.

I decided to write about my Cuba experience online, predicting there would be a flood of American tourists as US flights, cruises, and tours began operating again after many years of arguably “unconstitutional” travel bans to the island for US citizens.

Just as I guessed, tourism soon exploded in Cuba, as Americans rushed to visit for the first time. Many people used my articles to help plan their trips.

But if you managed to travel to Cuba as an American during this relatively short window of freedom, you got lucky.

Because not long after President* “grab em’ by the p*ssy bone spurs” took office, he began rolling back all the old US travel restrictions for visiting the island.

American Tourists Not Allowed

US Tourism in Cuba

Tourists Not Allowed?

I’d heard rumors of some American tourists getting in trouble for visiting Cuba, and I was aware there was a slight risk, but I went anyway. I believed I fell under one of the authorized travel categories.

And for every odd story of a fine or warning, each year thousands of people traveled there with no consequences. It seemed to be a law with no real enforcement.

Well, my trip to Cuba finally caught up with me, and 3-years after my visit, I was subpoenaed by the US Treasury Department for any & all documentation about my trip.

Last year the government sent me an official subpoena by mail, to an outdated address that I haven’t used in years. I guess they couldn’t check with the IRS where I last filed my taxes from?

Eventually, they sent me an email when I didn’t respond to the physical subpoena sent to that incorrect mailing address. The fact that they knew my blog’s email address leads me to believe that it was my very public blog post that tipped them off about my trip.

Subpoenaed By The Government

OFAC Letter for Visiting Cuba

My US Government Subpoena

So, what’s it like to be subpoenaed by the US government? Well, honestly it’s a bit scary. My first reaction was “oh shit”. Don’t they have better things to do than harass and intimidate individual American tourists?

I mean, I’m a budget traveler who spent a total of about $900 in Cuba over 10 days. Staying with locals and eating at restaurants run out of people’s homes. It’s not like I’m funneling millions of dollars to the Cuban government…

My next thought was, maybe I should just ignore the subpoena like everyone who works in the Trump administration has been doing lately.

But then I remembered I’m not above the law like they seem to be… I’m just a regular dude with no real power, wealth, or connections. Getting picked on by a government run by bullies. Ignoring a subpoena will have consequences for me…

Office Of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC)

US Treasury Department

OFAC Building in Washington DC

The Office of Foreign Assets Control is a financial intelligence and enforcement agency of the U.S. Treasury Department. It administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions in support of U.S. national security and foreign policy objectives.

By spending my money in Cuba as an American, for example buying food, going on a tour, or paying for accommodation, I was possibly violating the economic sanctions placed against Cuba.

But worse than that, I was telling other Americans about traveling to Cuba through my writing. I believe this is why I, as well as our friends who traveled with us, were targeted.

Because we wrote about our trip publicly and many people were reading it.

Did some of my money end up in the pockets of the Cuban government? Sure. We did our best to avoid it, but it’s literally impossible to not have some of your money end up in their hands.

Just as it would be impossible for anyone traveling to the United States to avoid giving money to the US Government in the process.

Left With A Warning…

Visiting El Morro Castle in Havana

El Morro Castle in Havana

So I responded to the subpoena with a letter explaining that my trip was for journalist purposes, along with sending over copies of any remaining documents I had (flight receipts, accommodation information, itinerary, etc.). Remember, this trip was 3-years ago! I didn’t save much.

If you’re not aware, Americans are allowed to travel to Cuba if they fit one of the 12 authorized categories for visiting. They aren’t defined very well, and the rules are super confusing.

  • Family visits
  • Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations
  • Journalistic activity
  • Professional research and professional meetings
  • Educational activities
  • Religious activities
  • Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions
  • Support for the Cuban people
  • Humanitarian projects
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes
  • Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or information materials
  • Certain export transactions that may be considered for authorization under existing regulations and guidelines.

Because I run a website about travel for a living, I thought I’d fit under journalistic activity. Americans were traveling to Cuba on a regular basis under Obama, and I was covering that news.

It’s ok for CNN to write about traveling to Cuba, but not me? Over a million people have read my Cuba articles, it’s not like this is a hobby.

The government didn’t agree I was a journalist, but rather than fine me, they just left me with a warning. My guess is they wanted that warning to get shared, to discourage others.

“OFAC has decided to address this matter by issuing you this Cautionary Letter instead of pursuing other enforcement responses at this time. Upon issuing this Cautionary Letter OFAC will close this matter without making a final agency determination as to whether a violation has occurred and will not take any further action on the underlying conduct unless it learns of additional related violations or other relevant facts.”

Although personally I don’t think most people have anything to worry about. Just don’t write about your trip to Cuba and end up on the first page of Google!

Support For The Cuban People

Support for Cuban People

Who is this Law Really Affecting?

I’ve since learned that it would have been better to prepare a trip under the “Support For The Cuban People” category. There are a handful of companies that can help arrange trips this way like:

The trips involve strict itineraries, with many stops at organizations in Cuba that are supporting human rights in the country. Which is great.

But the problem with traveling on an organized tour like this is it’s not super fun for independent travelers like myself. I don’t want a babysitter when I travel.

I enjoy the challenges of discovering a new country on my own, without being led around by the hand. No offense to those who enjoy group tours, I’m just not one of them.

Travel Bans Are Unconstitutional

For all this talk about Americans having so much freedom, as someone who’s traveled (and lived) all over the world, exposed to many different cultures and systems of government, we definitely have some work to do in that department.

Fun fact, I’m also a citizen of Ireland. And guess what? Ireland doesn’t outright ban its citizens from traveling to other countries…

If the current US government wants to punish Cuba with economic sanctions, fine. But by using a constitutionally questionable loophole that prevents American citizens from freedom of movement, they are actually punishing Americans as well as the Cuban people they pretend to want to help.

I personally have no ill-will to the Cuban people, and think freedom of movement is a constitutional right — should I want to spend my money on tourism in Cuba. If Cuba doesn’t want us there, that’s their right. But they do.

At least they did before we totally screwed up our pandemic response.

Instead my own government is trying to prevent me from traveling to a foreign country, for dubious reasons. The Cuba travel ban isn’t for public health, or for cold-war era national security concerns.

Don’t get me wrong, the Cuban government is really shitty to its people. But so are many other countries without travel bans on them.

As an American, if you would like to regain the freedom of unrestricted travel, as other countries enjoy, remember that we CAN change US foreign policy by electing representatives who will make those changes on our behalf.

Joe Biden has made it clear he will return to the more relaxed Obama-era relations with Cuba if he’s elected President in November.

Here’s to hoping things change next year, and Cuba opens back up for tourism once again, with common-sense rules that are easy to follow.

Because Cuba is a beautiful and fascinating country to explore as a tourist! And the Cuban people really need the financial support of that tourism, too. ★


I hope you learned more about Cuba! Hopefully you found it useful. Here are a few more wanderlust-inducing articles that I recommend you read next:

Have any questions about my experience in Cuba? Have you ever been there? Join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to share!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

25 Fun Things To Do In Havana Cuba (Highlights & Hotspots) Tue, 22 Jan 2019 13:47:21 +0000 The city of Havana is known for its old architecture, classic cars, live music and tasty mojitos. Here are some of the best things to do in Havana that you won’t want to miss!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

Best Things to do in Havana, Cuba
Best Things to do in Havana, Cuba
Havana, Cuba

The city of Havana is known for its old architecture, classic cars, live music and tasty mojitos. Here are some of the best things to do in Havana that you won’t want to miss!

In recent years, Cuba has seen some major changes as the United States finally eased restrictions on travel. More and more American’s are now visiting Cuba than ever before, and tourism has been on the rise — for good reason!

Only an hour away from Miami by plane, Havana is a fascinating blend of old and new, vintage cars and colorful, (often crumbling) infrastructure; Cuba’s energy pulses with a mix of Spanish colonial architecture, booming nightlife and kitschy art galleries.

For a small city, Havana seems to have an endless list of things to do catering to every kind of traveler. Maybe you’re a cigar aficionado or simply looking for some R&R, Havana has something to offer everyone.

My Havana itinerary is completely free! I’ve worked hard putting it together for you. If you find it useful, please use my affiliate links when you book hotels, rental cars or activities. I’ll get paid a small commission, at no extra cost to you! Thanks.

Havana Cuba Highlights Map

HOW TO USE THIS MAP: Above you’ll find a map of highlights in Havana, Cuba. Click on the top left of the map to find separate layers marking the route and points of interest. You can hide and show different layers, or click icons on the map to see the names of places I mention in this travel guide. “Star” the map to save it to your own Google Maps, or open the map in a new window for a larger version. Enjoy!

Best Things To Do In Havana 2022

After spending some time in the capital city during my road trip around Cuba, I wanted to put together a comprehensive travel guide to Havana that would help you plan your own journey.

This is part of what makes Havana unique and what captivated me in particular — the sense that there is always something more to uncover around every corner.

Sure, the US trade embargo and the Cuban government itself hasn’t been particularly kind to the Cuban people, yet they still seem to make the most of the situation, and welcome tourists with open arms.

Whether it’s a sultry salsa performance or hidden dive-bar tucked away behind the narrow streets of a pastel-colored neighborhood — you’ll never get bored of finding things to do!

1. Visit El Morro Castle

Visiting El Morro Castle in Havana
Cuba’s Pirate Protection

El Morro Castle, otherwise known as “Castillo del Morro”, is a great starting point once you arrive in Havana. It’s situated on top of a rocky promontory at the entrance of Havana’s bay—it can’t be missed! It’s a massive fort with an equally impressive history.

The castle was built starting in 1590 to protect Havana against military attacks, and also served as a watch post to keep an eye out for enemies (like pirates!). It is composed of 3 bastions linked by curtain walls, casemented barracks and also houses cisterns, a chapel, officer’s quarters, a wine cellar, stables, and dungeons.

Today, El Morro Castle is used as a museum and can be visited for a small fee. Its fantastic views make it a great first stop, a short taxi ride from the city center.

2. Explore Old Havana On Foot

Explore Old Havana Cuba Neighborhoods
Local Neighborhoods in Havana Vieja

As both the city center and the municipality with the second highest population density in Havana, Havana Vieja is quite possibly the most beautiful area of the city and a must-see if you’re visiting. Many buildings have fallen into ruin, but some are starting to get restored too.

The area is a colorful labyrinth of narrow streets, lively local neighborhoods, courtyards, forts, monuments, and churches that make up the pulsating heart of Havana. While you should definitely enjoy yourself strolling around the old city, just beware of jineteros, local hustlers trying to make a buck off you.

3. Tropicana Nightclub Show

Tropicana Show in Havana, Cuba
Havana’s Most Famous Nightlife

Known as one of the hottest cabaret shows in the world, the Tropicana Nightclub Show is a world-famous spectacle set in a lush, tropical open-air venue that bursts with colorful lights, glitter, and glam. Salsa-charged and sensual, it’s a must-do activity during any trip to Havana Cuba.

This is one of the top things most tourists want to do in Havana.

Performers’ gaudy, feathered costumes are spectacles in and of themselves, but it’s the show as a whole that leaves you floored. Tickets are a bit pricey -— roughly $85 USD per person -— but include a welcome drink and cigar. We had a great night there!

4. Havana Classic Car Tours

Things To Do In Havana: Rent a Classic Car
Tour Havana by Classic Car

When you think of things to do in Havana, chances are rolling down the street in a colorful, vintage convertible with the top down is a top contender. There are plenty of options for vintage car tours in Havana, and most operate like a regular taxi.

For pre-planned tours, there is usually a flat-fee (about 40 – 50 CUC per hour) that the driver communicates up front. But if you’re feeling spontaneous, you can easily hail a vintage car to go anywhere in the city. Make sure to stop in some photogenic locations to get those Instagram photos!

5. Stroll Along “El Malecon” Boardwalk

Things To Do: Walk Havana's El Malecon
Stroll Along the Seaside on El Malecon

If you want an intimate glimpse at life in Havana, walk El Malecon. Translated as “the pier”, El Malecon is a restored seafront walkway situated along the city’s north coastline and provides lovely views of Havana’s iconic architecture and coast.

It’s also the unofficial symbol of the city, often seen on postcards and in films. El Malecon is a destination in and of itself, so food and music is abundant all along the pier. Sunset is a particularly good time to sit along the sea-wall with a box of rum.

And if you visit during late July or early August, El Malecon comes alive with one of the biggest festivals in Cuba —- the Havana Carnival.

6. Cuban Cigars At Hotel Nacional

Best Activities in Havana
Cigars & Rum at Havana’s Famous Hotel Nacional

Cuba has elevated cigar smoking to an art form. For that reason, you can pretty much find a good cigar anywhere in Havana—but if you’re looking for the best spot to light up and take in the classy, glamorous, atmosphere that this city evokes, look no further than Hotel Nacional.

Hotel Nacional is not only the most famous hotel in Havana -— it’s also home to one of the city’s best cigar shops called La Casa del Habano. Or you can enjoy your cigar in the hotel’s backyard bar like we did, relaxing amidst beautiful ocean views, palm trees, and even real-live peacocks strolling by!

7. Visit Hemingway’s Watering Holes

Hemingway's Favorite Bar in Havana
Have a Drink at El Floridita Bar

Ernest Hemingway lived outside Havana for twenty years, and naturally got much of the inspiration for his novels from the city—more specifically, from its bars. El Floridita, Dos Hermanos and La Bodeguita del Medio were Hemingway’s favorite bars when he lived there, and today they can be visited just like any other bar.

Watch out though, as a few of them have turned into tourist traps. La Bodeguita was my favorite Hemingway-approved watering hole and still retains much of the subdued, authentic atmosphere you’d expect Hemingway probably loved. They have live salsa music, and also make a mean mojito, which never hurts.

8. Try Cuban Pizza In Havana!

Where to Eat in Havana, Cuba
Typical Cuban Pizza in Havana

Sure, everyone knows they should eat a Cuban sandwich while in Cuba. But did you know these famous sandwiches were actually created in Florida? Instead, why not order a classic Cuban pizza while visiting Havana!

What makes Cuban pizza special is the “sofrito” — essentially a holy mix of onion, garlic, and bell pepper sautéed in olive oil with tomato and spices. In Havana, crappy pizza is everywhere, and the good stuff is a bit trickier to find.

For starters, I recommend heading to 5 Esquinas Trattoria on Cuarteles Avenue. Their pizza is baked in a wood oven, and the spot is a prime location for people-watching. Another tasty spot is Bella Ciao, which has a reputation for the freshest pizza (and pasta!) in Havana.

9. Best Beaches Near Havana

Beaches Outside Havana Cuba
Packed Weekend at Playa Santa Maria

Cuba’s proximity to the equator means that it’s always beach season in Havana. The island’s entire coastline is pretty much a white sand, turquoise-watered dream, so it’s hard to go wrong with picking a beach.

If you’re looking for a party atmosphere, head to Santa María del Mar, the biggest and most well-known beach in Havana. The downside to this one, though, is the crowds. But if you’re visiting in the autumn or winter you should be ok.

If you’re looking for a quieter beach day that isn’t as popular with tourists, try Playa Boca Ciega. Or even better, Playa Jibacoa (my favorite beach in Cuba).

10. Drink Rum In A Box!

Make sure to try Havana's box rum
Horrible Cheap Rum in a Box…

Wander the streets of Havana for a night on the town, and you’ll soon learn all about “rum in a box”. Known as the juice box for big kids, this rotgut rum is sold in individual packs. You’ll see locals partying with their box of Tumbao or Planchao.

It’s cheap as hell, pretty disgusting, and will leave you with a painful headache the next morning if you drink too much of it. But if you want to make some new friends, rip open a fresh box with your teeth and pass it around!

11. Visit The Havana Capitol Building

Things To Do: Visit the Capital Building
Havana’s Capitol Building

El Capitolio, or Cuba’s Capitol Building, was built in 1929 and based off of the US Capitol in Washington DC. It has been closed to the public for the last 8 years for a big restoration project — but just recently re-opened.

Previously used as the Ministry of Science & Technology, the newly renovated structure is now the seat of Cuba’s national assembly, where they selected a new president last April. Visitors can tour the Capitol in groups of 15 from Tuesday to Sunday each week.

12. Havana Nightlife & Cuban Music

Nightlife in Havana Cuba
Live Cuban Salsa Music

Salsa is everywhere in Havana—in bars, restaurants, even impromptu dances along sidewalks are a regular occurrence. We hit the bars & clubs a few different times to check out live music, one of my favorites was a bar called Kilometro Zero.

But if you want to take your salsa admiration one step further, sign up for a lesson. Casa del Son is Havana’s biggest and best dance school, offering locals and visitors classes in just about every type of traditional Cuban dance.

13. Watch Some Cannons Blast Off!

Havana Cannon Shot at Fort San Carlos
Fort San Carlos Cannon Ceremony

Ever since the 18th-century, a cannon has been fired in Havana every evening at 9pm at the Fortaleza San Carlos de la Cabaña (Fort of St Charles). Back then, Havana was divided in two and Cuba’s Spanish rulers would fire the cannon to inform the Habaneros to take shelter against pirate attacks.

Today, the nightly event is still quite a spectacle, equipped with a drum roll and artillery cadets lining the fort dressed in colonial uniforms. The event is free, always on time, and onlookers are encouraged! This is one of the lesser-known things to do in Havana.

14. Stay Hydrated With Guarapo

Cuban Sugar Cane Juice
Cuban Sugar Cane Juice

What is guarapo, you ask? It’s raw sugar cane juice that’s been extracted from palm-tree sap, and also the most delicious drink you can find in Cuba. The cheapest, too. It’s usually mixed with lime and ice and can be found pretty much in every bar, restaurant, or street side bodega.

You can also try it as an alcoholic beverage (usually mixed with rum). Guarapo is on of the best drinks to try in Havana, and a consistently fantastic spot to get your cane-juice drink on is Arsenal Street, right in front of the train station.

15. Viñales Tobacco Fields Road Trip

Vinales Tobacco Farm
Visit the Tobacco Farms of Vinales

After a few days in Havana, no one would blame you for wanting to escape the city for a day to find something else to do, and the town of Viñales should fix you right up. It’s a small village tucked away in the middle of green fields, tobacco plantations and rock formations.

About a 2-3 hour drive from Havana, Viñales makes for a great day trip, although I do recommend spending at least one night there to get the full sense of the town.

There are buses leaving daily from Havana to Viñales, or you can rent a classic car like we did. Viñales is known for its tobacco farms and limestone hills. Horseback riding in Viñales is a popular way to enjoy the lush scenery and country atmosphere.

16. Visit Cámera Obscura In Old Havana

Plaza Vieja in Old Havana
View from the Gómez Vila Building

You can get a brilliant 360-degree panoramic view of Old Havana from the top floor of the Gómez Vila building in Plaza Vieja, the tallest building in Old Havana. It’s got the only “Camera Oscura” in all of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The camera projects real-time images of the city at 30X magnification through just a peephole onto a dark screen. Havana’s Cámera Obscura costs only 2 CUC to visit, and even the view from the roof is totally worth it.

17. Trip Out In Fusterlandia

Artwork in Havana Cuba
Fusterlandia Art Installation

Cuba’s rich artistic tradition is alive and well in part thanks to artist Jose Fuster, who has built a mosaic tile wonderland called Fusterlandia in the fishing village of Jaimanitas, just 20 minutes outside of Havana.

Fusterlandia is unique in that it isn’t its own site-specific artwork, but rather crafted into the neighborhood. Residents have actually allowed Fuster to decorate their homes and turn them into colorful, eye-popping gems.

There is a gallery you can visit between 9:30am and 4:00pm, Wednesday to Sunday. If you don’t make it to the gallery, you can always just drive through the neighborhood to get a feel of things.

18. Eat At A Local Paladar

Where to Eat in Havana Cuba
Where to Eat in Havana

If you only stick to government-run restaurants frequented by tourists, you’ll miss out on Cuba’s true flavor. So make sure to stop into a paladar (locally-run restaurant) for an authentic Cuban food experience.

Good Cuban food is a delicious fusion of African and Spanish food, and very much resembles a lot of the food you can find throughout the Caribbean — rich, dense, and heavy on the spices.

One great paladar I recommend is called San Cristóbal, located in the bottom floor of an early 20th-century mansion. Make sure you try the traditional ropa vieja. Shredded, stewed beef with vegetables!

19. Explore Havana’s Green Forest

Explore Havana's Forest
Explore Havana’s Forest

El Bosque De La Habana (the Lungs of Havana) is a swamp-like forest home to the Almendares River and is a popular spot for locals to get away from the city center and breathe some fresh air. It’s a recreational area for Habaneros with playgrounds and an amphitheater for concerts.

Many of Havana’s classic car tours pass through the park. The 300-year-old banyan trees are covered in green vines, and it’s a very cool place to visit. You might see locals practicing Santeria in the river, a Caribbean religion where members sacrifice animals.

20. Plaza De La Revolución

Havana Bucket List: Plaza de la Revolution
Giant Che Guevara Mural at Revolution Square

The largest public square in Cuba, and one of the largest in the world, Plaza de la Revolucion is where Cuba’s most important government offices are located. The Ministerio del Interior boasts a massive mural of Cuba’s revolutionary hero Che Guevara.

The square is a bit out of the way from the heart of the capital, so most tourists get there via one of the classic car taxis that you can rent from Old Havana. Driving by this famous mural was one of my favorite things to do in the city.

21. Pop By Hemingway’s Old House

Earnest Hemingway's House in Havana
Earnest Hemingway’s House in Havana

Just outside of Havana you’ll find Finca Vigía, the former colonial home of Earnest Hemingway. It’s where he wrote some of his most famous novels like: For Whom the Bell Tolls and The Old Man and the Sea. You can’t go inside the house itself, but you can look through the windows.

There’s a museum there open from 10am to 4pm Monday through Saturday and 9am to 1pm on Sundays. It’s a bit of a haul to get out there from Havana, so only do this if you have some extra time. Visit early in the morning to avoid the bus tour crowds.

22. Hotel Kempinski Rooftop Pool

This beautiful panoramic pool terrace and bar at Havana’s Gran Hotel Manzana Kempinski has awesome views of the Havana Vieja area, including the recently refurbished Capitol Building.

This new infinity rooftop pool (and the luxury hotel) is an example of things to come as Cuba prepares for increased tourism. Unfortunately, Americans aren’t technically allowed to book this hotel, as it’s owned by the Cuban government.

23. Fabrica De Arte Cubano

The Cuban Art Factory
The Cuban Art Factory

The Cuban Art Factory was founded by famous Afro-Cuban musician X-Alfonso, and is one of Havana’s hippest spots to soak in modern Cuban culture. It’s a mix between a nightclub, gallery, and performance center that promotes local Cuban artists, writers, photographers, and filmmakers.

Open from Thursday to Sunday, this giant factory building is often packed by 11pm, and is the perfect place to start your wild night on the town in Havana. Each room is different — some with live bands, others full of art. You’ll have a wonderful experience no matter what you’re in to.

24. The Revolution Museum

Havana Revolution Museum
Plane from Cuban Revolution

Formerly the Presidential Palace, Havana’s Revolution Museum depicts the time period before, during, and right after the Cuban Revolution. You can still find bullet holes in the central staircase from a failed assassination attempt of President Fulgencio Batista.

Out back you’ll find some old military vehicles, tanks used during the Bay of Pigs operation, airplanes, and the yacht used to ferry Castro from Mexico to Cuba to start the revolution in the first place.

25. Climb La Guarida’s Staircase

The Staircase at La Guarida Restaurant
Old-School Romantic Staircase

Probably’s Havana’s most famous Paladar, La Guarida Restaurant sits at the top floor of an old dilapidated-looking building, complete with a beautiful grand staircase. Traveling celebrities often stop in to eat here.

It’s usually difficult to book a table, and the meal prices aren’t cheap either. But you’re really paying for the interesting atmosphere & history. It kinda feels like you’re starring into your own international spy movie from the 50’s! Pretty cool.

Transportation in Havana
Transportation in Havana

Getting To (and Around) Havana

Despite the recent easing of Cuba’s travel laws, some restrictions are still in place for Americans. Technically you can only visit if you fall into one of 12 special categories.

However there are some ways around the rules, and it’s totally possible to visit as a tourist if you follow a few completely legal “loopholes”.

How To Legally Visit Cuba As An American

Airlines that serve Cuba directly from the US now include: Alaska Airlines, American Airlines, Delta Airlines, Jet Blue, Southwest Airlines, and United Airlines.

Once you’re on the ground, local taxis are everywhere. There are the classic car versions, which are kinda expensive (negotiate first), or the local shared taxis, which only cost 0.50 CUC per person (but you need to know their set route or speak Spanish).

Best Time To Visit Havana

Havana is sunny year-round, so you really can’t go wrong in terms of choosing a time of year to visit. But be wary of the force of the Cuban sun! For those with light skin, like me, take extra precautions from sunburn.

The autumn can be lovely but visiting might be risky because of hurricane season. A happy medium is to visit sometime in the winter (November-March), as it’s both warm enough to enjoy the beaches but not hot enough to make you wish you were back in your air-conditioned hotel.

During the winter, the crowds have lessened and you can experience a more authentic Havana. Plus, I’ve heard New Year’s Eve in the capital is an unforgettable spectacle!

Where to Stay in Havana
Where to Stay in Havana

Where To Stay In Havana

The most authentic places to stay in Havana are called casas particulares, which are guest rooms in Cuban family homes that you can find by simply asking around.

Typically, these rooms run from 25 to 40 CUC per night, but be sure to add a bit to that cost if you want homemade breakfast included.


Travel Tips for Havana Cuba
Travel Tips for Havana Cuba

Havana Cuba Travel Tips & Advive

  • If you want to save some money, and don’t have to go far, trying hiring a bicycle taxi or a “coco taxi” scooter for a fun ride.
  • Don’t spend all your time in Havana! There is so much more to Cuba than the capital city. Check out Vinales, Trinidad, and Varadero if you have the time.
  • Bring a filtered water bottle, as bottled water can sometimes be difficult to find outside of major cities.
  • Even if you normally prefer hotels, I recommend spending at least one night in a casa particular with locals to see what it’s like.
  • Learn some basic Spanish words! While some English is common in Havana, attempting to speak Spanish will give you more opportunities to interact with people.
Travel Planning Resources For Havana
Cuba Trip Planning: Get help planning a legal trip to Cuba with ViaHero
Packing Guide
Check out my travel gear guide to help you start packing for your trip.
Book Your Flight
Ready to fly? Here’s how I find the cheapest airline flights.
Rent A Car
Discover Cars is a great site for comparing car prices to find a deal.
Cheap Accommodation
Learn how I save money booking hotels & vacation apartments.
Protect Your Trip
Don’t forget travel insurance! Protect yourself from possible injury & theft abroad. Read why you should always carry travel insurance.

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I hope you enjoyed my guide on things to do in Havana Cuba! Hopefully you found it useful. Here are a few more wanderlust-inducing articles that I recommend you read next:

Have any travel questions about things to do in Havana? Other suggestions or tips? Join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to share!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

Ultimate Travel Guide To Cuba Tue, 05 Sep 2017 00:44:16 +0000 Plan your trip to Cuba with my ultimate travel guide — featuring Cuba travel tips, example costs, things to do, where to stay, when to go, and more.

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

Cuba Travel Guide

Is it possible to travel Cuba on a budget? Learn how to plan your visit with my Cuba travel guide — featuring travel tips, costs, things to do, where to stay, and more. Experience the best that Cuba has to offer!

The island of Cuba was “discovered” and claimed for Spain by Christopher Columbus during his first voyage to the New World in 1492.

While it’s been a popular travel destination for years, due to an economic embargo, Americans haven’t been able to visit easily until now.

In this article I’ll share my favorite Cuban beaches, hiking opportunities, the best of Havana, where to find great cigars, and of course, give you tips on what kind food you need to try!

My Cuba travel guide is completely free! I’ve worked hard putting it together for you. If you find it useful, please use my affiliate links when you book hotels, rental cars or activities. I’ll get paid a small commission, at no extra cost to you! Thanks.

Travel Tips For Cuba
Ultimate Cuba Travel Guide

Cuba Budget Travel Guide 2021

What draws people to the tropical Caribbean island of Cuba is much more than beaches and antique 1950’s cars, although there are plenty of those!

In Cuba, you can wander bustling city streets, go hiking in the mountains, learn about the history of tobacco, or simply soak up the country’s 1950’s time-warp appeal. Get a taste of what it’s like to live in a socialist country.

While Cuba can sometimes be a confusing and challenging place for many travelers, I invite you to give it a try anyway and experience some Cuban magic for yourself.

There are many wonderful reasons to visit Cuba for your next vacation.

Street in Trinidad Cuba
Cobblestoned Streets in Trinidad
Lady with Cigar in Havana
Cigar Lady in Havana

Planning A Trip To Cuba

Cuba is generally pretty affordable, especially compared to other Caribbean Islands, yet is more expensive than other parts of Latin America like Mexico or Central American nations. With a special 2nd currency just for tourists, you’ll be forced to pay tourist prices most of the time.

Budget travelers can survive on around $50 USD per day.

Cuba’s local currency is the Cuban Peso (CUP- ₱) and it translates to ₱24 CUP for $1 USD. However as a tourist, you’ll be using Cuba’s secondary currency just for tourists, the Cuban Convertible Peso (CUC – $) which is pegged to the US Dollar. So $1 CUC = $1 USD.

You will need to exchange US dollars for CUC, but there is a special 10% penalty fee for this service. So it’s often cheaper to exchange Euros, Canadian Dollars, British Pounds, or Mexican Pesos for CUC instead.

If you’re an American, you still can’t use your credit cards or ATM cards in Cuba. They won’t work because of the economic sanctions in place.

So you MUST exchange cash to fund your whole trip unless you’re on a pre-paid tour. The other option is buying a foreign pre-paid debit card from banks in Canada or Mexico.

There’s an official currency exchange booth outside the airport in Havana. You can exchange your leftover CUC back to US dollars (or whatever) when you leave the country too.

Travel Budget for Cuba
How Much Did I Spend in Cuba?
Havana 1950's Car
Cuba has Style!

How Much Does It Cost To Travel In Cuba?




Please use these numbers as general guidelines only. Remember, everyone travels differently. Your personal travel budget in Cuba may vary.

When I traveled through Cuba for 10 days in 2016, I spent a total of $900 for an average of $90 USD per day.

Some of the things I splurged on included renting a car for more freedom to explore the island on our own. Rental cars in Cuba aren’t cheap — ours was $83 CUC per day (which we then split 4 ways with friends).

Scuba diving, tickets to Havana’s famous Tropicana Show, cigars, and a classic car city tour were some other activities I chose to include in my own trip. Your own choices will affect your travel budget in Cuba.

Where to Stay in Cuba
Typical Casa Particular Sign
Example Accommodation
Inside our Casa Particular in Trinidad

Where To Stay In Cuba

While you can find fancy hotels in Havana and all-inclusive resorts in Varadero, the best accommodation options in Cuba are called casas particulares.

Casas particulares are like local guesthouses. The Cuban government allows some residents to rent the spare rooms in their homes for extra income, and as a traveler, you get a more local experience.

To find a casa, you simply walk around a neighborhood, pop in and ask to see a room, and decide if you want to stay there. Most are easy to find because they’re marked with a special sign that looks a bit like an anchor.

Prices will vary depending on the region. A double room costs between $25 – 40 CUC with breakfast included. If staying with locals isn’t your thing, there are other options too. Just a lot more expensive.

  • Casas Particulares: $25 – $40 per night
  • Mid-Range Hotels: $90 – $150 per night
  • Resorts & Fancy Hotels: $200 – $400 per night

READ MORE: How To Find Cheap Hotels

What to Eat in Cuba
Cost Of Food & Places To Eat
Cuban Pizza in Havana
Cuban Pizza is Very Cheap!

Tasty Cuban Food & Restaurants

While many travelers complain about Cuban food and its availability, I found food in Cuba pretty cheap and tasty. Not to mention those famous Cuban mojitos for only $1 or $2!

The lowest-cost options are Cuban sandwiches or Cuban pizzas at street-side stores called “paladares”. These meals can cost as little as $1, but are super basic too. Cuban pizzas reminded me of frozen microwave pizzas. Nothing to write home about…

If you’re a dedicated foodie, and need more choices, you can find large plates of lobster, shrimp, crab and fish for about $7 at restaurants near the coast. There’s also traditional Cuban cuisine called ropa vieja (old clothes) which is basically pulled pork with gravy, served with rice and beans for about $5.

Larger restaurants are generally set up for tourists, with high tourist prices around $15-$20 for a meal. Most Cubans can’t afford to eat at these places. They cook at home, using government rations called Libreta de Abastecimiento to pay for basics like rice, sugar, and cooking oil.

Transportation in Cuba
Classic Car Rides in Havana
Local Taxi in Trinidad
The Horse Cart Taxi

Transportation In & Around Cuba

Flying To Cuba

The major airports in Cuba are in Havana (HAV) and Santiago de Cuba (SCU). For years, many Americans traveled to Cuba through foreign gateway cities like Cancun, Mexico City, or Toronto. However in 2016 the US government started allowing commercial flights to Cuba from the United States. New York, Miami, and Los Angeles all offer flights.

Buses In Cuba

Bus travel in Cuba is pretty comfortable. There’s one main bus line called Viazul. Cuban buses are cheap, but the routes fill up quickly, so you usually need to get your tickets in advance either online or in person at least a day or two early. The online booking system kinda sucks, so another option is booking them through ZunZunCar.

Cuban Taxis

Taxis are available in the more developed cities of Cuba like Havana, Varadero, and Trinidad. Official taxis, in modern cars, will be marked and some even have meters. Old classic car taxis are more expensive, often with set rates of $8-$10 per ride. Try to negotiate a price before you get in.

You can rent your own classic car with a driver for a full day for about $160 USD. There’s even advanced online book available now.

Almendrons are local shared taxis that run in some cities. It’s the cheapest option at 0.50 CUC per ride, however they aren’t easy to figure out if you don’t speak Spanish. They run on set routes, simply flag one down and jump in with everyone else. Usually old 50’s vans or Toyota Landcruisers.

Bicycle Taxis are another option. Officially they aren’t allowed to pick up tourists, but they still do. A ride costs about $1 CUC. You could get kicked off early if the driver notices police nearby.

Renting A Car In Cuba

Renting a car to self-drive in Cuba is possible, but it’s not easy. The online car rental systems there generally don’t work for foreigners. The best option is to inquire by email or phone about a rental a few weeks or more before your trip. Don’t expect to just show up at the airport and book a rental car, they simply don’t have enough for the demand.

READ MORE: How To Find The Cheapest Flights Online

Beautiful Beaches on the Coast
Playa Jibacoa Beach
Sugar Cane Press
Making Sugar Cane Juice

Visa Requirements For Cuba

For years it was possible for Americans to visit Cuba through foreign gateway countries like Mexico or Canada first. Then, President Obama opened a loophole for American tourism to Cuba, even though Congress hadn’t actually changed the law yet.

It was a kind of “wink, wink, nudge, nudge” situation. No one was enforcing the law.

You signed a piece of paper when you got on the plane saying you fit one of 12 special categories (that don’t include tourism), and no one checked.

Regular flights to Cuba from the United States started up, and things were looking good!

However it seems President Trump is clamping down on that loophole and will be making it tougher again by banning People To People trips, the category most people were using.

Support For The Cuban People

Americans can still travel to Cuba independently, but you’ll need to choose an approved travel category other than People To People tours, which Trump plans to ban.

Declare a category like Support For The Cuban People when booking flights, lodging and when you return to the US.

You can build an itinerary containing activities that meet the criteria for the category you chose, or get help from local experts to plan a legal trip (5% discount for Expert Vagabond readers!).

Foreign Gateway Cities

Another option is to fly into Cuba from a Foreign Gateway City like Cancun, Mexico or Toronto, Canada. This is what I did, and I share more details about that here.

Every traveler needs to purchase a Tourist Card for $20 ($50+ if traveling from the United States) regardless of nationality. This is most commonly done at the departure airport itself, or online/through the mail with your airline.

Streets of Havana Cuba
Old Buildings in Havana
Scuba Diving in Cuba
Wreck Diving the Bay of Pigs

Best Things To Do In Cuba

Havana – The Capital City

It’s impossible to skip the capital of Havana on a trip to Cuba. Havana Viejo (Old Havana) is the historic city center, and was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1982. The city is full of beautiful old architecture, interesting people, and of course – all those incredible classic cars.

Highlights Of Havana

  • Rent a classic car for a tour through the city, $30 CUC for one hour.
  • Visit some of Hemingway’s old hangouts, like La Floridita and La Bodeguita del Medio.
  • Smoke a Cuban cigar overlooking the ocean at Hotel Nacional
  • Walk the Malecon boardwalk at night with a box of cheap corner-store rum.
  • Attend the world famous Tropicana Nightclub for a colorful show.


Read My Havana Travel Guide Here

Varadero – Cuba’s Beach Town

Located on the Hicacos Peninsula about 140 km from Havana, Varadero is a popular resort town for tourists. The ivory-white sand beaches are gorgeous! While many beaches in Varadero are part of private resorts, there’s a large free public beach section too, which is just as beautiful.

Highlights Of Varadero

  • Grab a beach chair, buy a few Cuba Libres, and work on your tan.
  • Rent a kayak or sailboat and cruise down the coastline.
  • Eat at one of Varadero’s amazing seafood restaurants.

Viñales – Cowboy Country

Viñales is a lush green valley surrounded by mountains located west of Havana. It’s a fun small town to visit if you’re into nature, caving, rock climbing, or learning about the art of cigar making. Viñales is Cuba’s tobacco capital, home of the best cigars in the world.

Highlights Of Viñales

  • Visit a tobacco farm and learn how to make Cuban cigars.
  • Rock climbing on the karst limestone cliffs.
  • Rent an ATV for an off-road trip through the valley.
  • Go horseback riding, or join a cave tour.

Read My Viñales Travel Guide Here

Trinidad – Colonial Cuba

Trinidad is a picturesque colonial town lined with cobblestone streets and pastel-colored houses. It was the epicenter of the Spanish sugar trade in the 18th century, where sugar barons become extremely wealthy off the back of African slave labor. Many of the old buildings have been restored.

Highlights Of Trinidad

  • Hang out on the steps of Plaza Mayor with a mojito to watch the sunset.
  • Visit some art & history museums, like Museo de Arquitectura or Museo Romantico.
  • Climb the bell tower at Iglesia de San Francisco for great city views.
  • Ride a bike to Playa Ancon, a beautiful white sand beach.
  • Go swimming under waterfalls at Topes De Collantes National Park

Read My Trinidad Travel Guide Here

Malecon Havana Cuba

Budget Travel Tips For Cuba

While Cuba can be affordable, it’s not an easy place to travel on an extreme budget. It takes some work.

  • Try eating at locally run paladares (little restuarants in people’s homes) whenever you can.
  • Use the confusing-but-cheap local shared taxis, or split a 1950’s tourist taxi with other travelers.
  • Stay with locals in casas particulares whenever possible to keep accommodation costs down.

READ MORE: My Best Money Saving Travel Tips

Packing Tips For Cuba

So, you’re getting ready for your trip to Cuba, but you’re not sure what to pack? Here are some tips for things to bring with you on your journey.

READ MORE: The Ultimate Travel Gear Guide

Off The Beaten Path in Cuba

There is a cool national park called Topes de Collantes located about an hours drive from Trinidad. It has many hiking trails that lead to different waterfalls, and not many people visit them.

Some of the best waterfalls are El Nicho and Vegas Grandes, both are over 100m high, and its a great way to experience some of Cuba’s mountains. You can book a tour from Trinidad, or go on your own like we did if you have a car. Beware, the roads are pretty bad up there!

Varadero Cuba Coastline
White Sand Beaches of Varadero
Farm in Vinales
Cuban Tobacco Farms

Best Time To Visit Cuba

When is the best time to visit Cuba? Regardless of the time of year, average temperatures in Cuba are very pleasant ranging from 70s F to 80s F.

But the best time to visit Cuba is arguably from December to May, as the climate tends to be mild and skies are often sunny.

The wet season is between June and October, with the heaviest rain & hottest temperatures in July & August. It’s generally a less-desirable time to visit Cuba, and hurricanes are also a threat.

The tourist high season in Cuba runs from December through March, due to great weather and large numbers of Canadians escaping the winter snow in their own country.

If you want decent weather, and fewer tourists, April, May, and November are good choices.

Internet in Cuba

Internet & Cell Phone Service

Internet in Cuba isn’t available everywhere, but it’s possible to find wifi spots in most major hotels, large public parks, and even some casas particulares. For a list of all the known wifi hotspots in Cuba, click here.

To get online you need to buy an internet scratch-card from ETECSA (Cuba’s national telecommunications company). They cost between $2-6 for an hour of service. You can buy the cards in front of the airport in Havana, at major hotels, at ETECSA kiosks, or from Cubans themselves.

To use services like Skype or Snapchat, you’ll need to install a good travel VPN before you arrive. The internet isn’t super fast, but it’s fast enough to upload travel photos to Facebook & Instagram if you’re patient.

READ MORE: International Cell Phone Service

Cathedral in Cuba
Church Tower in Trinidad
Cowboys on Cellphones
Cuban Cowboys Taking a Break

Challenges To Be Aware Of

There are a few challenges to traveling in Cuba. The lack of internet can be frustrating at times, as we’ve all become comfortable finding our way around with help from Google Maps, or searching online for answers to travel questions.

Galileo Maps ( IOS | Android ) has offline maps of Cuba, so you can find your way around using a smartphone even without internet.

If you don’t speak Spanish you might often find yourself at a loss in Cuba, as the majority of people don’t speak any English. Without Spanish it’s difficult to arrange things, but not impossible.

While Cuba is a very safe place to travel, there are many scammers too. Especially around Havana. Some popular scams in Cuba include:

  • Being invited to a bar/club from someone off the street, then getting stuck with a huge mysterious bar tab.
  • Women asking you to buy milk for their babies, at inflated prices from shops that are in on the scam.

Everyone isn’t trying to scam you — but you still need to stay cautious and use common sense.

READ MORE: 15 Common Travel Scams

Suggested Cuban Books & Movies

  • The Other Side Of Paradise (Book) – A sobering portrait of post-Fidel Cuba. Change looms in Havana, a city of uncertainty cloaked in cliché.
  • The Old Man And The Sea (Book) – Hemingway’s story of an old Cuban fisherman, down on his luck, and his sea battle with a giant marlin.
  • Our Man In Havana (Movie) – A vacuum cleaner salesman is recruited by the British secret service to act as a spy in Havana.
  • Una Noche (Movie) – Trapped in the desperate slums of Havana, young Raul dreams of escaping Cuba to Miami.
  • Lonely Planet Cuba (Guidebook) – A travel guide to Cuba that includes history, advice, things to do, and places to stay.

Planning to travel to Cuba soon? Browse all my blog posts from Cuba to get ideas & recommendations.

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Enjoy Your Trip To Cuba!

Well, I hope you enjoyed my budget travel guide to Cuba! It’s one of the most unique travel destinations I’ve ever visited, as the whole island feels trapped in time.

Things are changing fast though as more and more American tourists add it to their bucket list.

Please make sure to support local Cubans with your travel choices while there, and let’s hope that relations between Cuba and the United States will improve in the future. ★

Travel Video: The Best Of Cuba

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for new Adventure Travel Videos!
(Click to watch Best Of Cuba – Havana, Vinales, Trinidad on YouTube)

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Have any travel questions or tips about Cuba? Other suggestions? Join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to share!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

Trinidad Cuba Travel Guide: A Beautiful Colonial City Tue, 07 Mar 2017 18:46:11 +0000 Trinidad is Cuba's best preserved colonial city, a unique mix of 1850's architecture & 1950's cars that feels frozen in time. Check out some of my favorite things to do in Trinidad.

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.


Trinidad Cuba Travel Tips

Exploring the Best of Trinidad Cuba

Trinidad, Cuba

Trinidad is Cuba’s best preserved colonial city, a unique mix of 1850’s architecture & 1950’s cars that feels frozen in time. Check out some of my favorite things to do in Trinidad.

Trinidad was one of the first Cuban towns founded by the Spanish, growing wealthy from production of sugar cane, cattle, and tobacco (with the help of African slave labor).

The town’s newfound wealth funded extravagant palaces, plazas, and colonial homes for rich plantation owners.

Much of the architecture remains, one of the best-preserved historic towns in North America, becoming a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Trinidad Cuba has become one of the most popular cities in the country for travelers, outside of Havana of course!

You can walk down cobblestone streets, listen to live music in the plaza, cool off with fresh sugar cane juice, hop into a horse-drawn carriage, chat with locals, or visit fascinating colonial museums spread about town.

Best Things To Do In Trinidad Cuba For 2020

1. Enjoy The Vibe Of Trinidad

Streets of Trinidad

Vintage Taxi in Trinidad

Anna and I spent two days exploring Trinidad with our friends Hannah & Adam from Getting Stamped. Honestly it didn’t feel like we were in town long enough, there’s a lot to see, and Trinidad is bigger than I thought.

It’s certainly a tourist town though — but even with other travelers around, Trinidad doesn’t lose its charm.

Trinidad is a place where new mixes with old to create a jumble of sights, sounds, and smells.

The city has a great laid-back Cuban vibe — I highly recommend getting away from the main square to explore, losing yourself on the fascinating back streets & alleys.

2. Hang Out In Plaza Mayor

Plaza Mayor, Trinidad Cuba

Church of the Holy Trinity

Plaza Mayor is the heart of Trinidad, a large plaza comprised of raised gardens, walkways, and cobblestoned streets. Historic buildings from the 18th & 19th centuries still surround the plaza.

Many are painted in pastel colors, topped with red terracotta roofs.

The plaza was built back when the region was rich from sugar plantation wealth. Yet you’ll still find the same churches and mansions previously owned by sugar barons — restored and transformed into museums.

Grab a seat on one of the cast-iron benches, enjoy the gardens, and listen to salsa music emanating from the buildings nearby. However because it’s the main tourist area, be wary of local touts trying to sell you stuff.

3. Climb Trinidad’s Bell Tower

Trinidad Church Tower Cuba

Convento de San Francisco de Asis

You’ll notice Convento de San Francisco right away, as you can see the bright yellow bell tower from most parts of town. It’s the most prominent landmark, and a popular postcard photo.

A former convent, it’s now a museum with artifacts from the revolution.

The climb up to the top of the tower is worth the view, and the museum is interesting too. They have some armored vehicles and stuff from the United States invasion.

4. Visit Historical Museums

Trinidad Municipal Museum

Palacio Cantero (Municipal Museum)

The Museo de Arquitectura is located in a 18th century mansion formerly owned by Sanchez Iznaga. Inside you’ll get a glimpse of what these large homes looked like, as well as a 19th-century style bathroom.

Palacio Cantero is another former mansion, now the Municipal Museum. The main attraction is magnificent views of the city offered by its tower.

Palacio Brunet was once the home of the wealthy sugar baron Conde de Brunet, today it houses Museo Romantico, showcasing luxurious items belonging to the family. Like a 1.5 ton marble bathtub!

5. Sample The Cuban Food

Trinidad Cuba Restaurants

Local Cuban Food

Cuban food often gets a bad rap. While I didn’t mind it so much, it’s definitely not as spicy & flavorful as Mexican cuisine. Lots of rice, beans, yuca, and meat on the bland side.

You can buy basic meals at restaurants in Trinidad for between $5-10.

While you might not write home about the food, Cuba excels in coffee, rum drinks, and sugar cane juice. Make sure to visit the La Canchánchara mansion for their special cocktail made of rum, honey, lemon, and water.

6. Playa Ancon Beach

Ancon Beach near Trinidad

Relaxing on Cuban Beaches

Playa Ancon is a beautiful white-sand beach only 6 miles away from Trinidad. For only $5-10 CUC you can catch a vintage taxi and spend the afternoon there.

For the more adventurous, rent a bicycle pedal over on your own, which takes about an hour. Cuba’s beaches aren’t very crowded, and the turquoise water is crystal clear.

Grab an icy cocktail and get some sun, or if you’re a scuba diver, there’s a dive shop at Playa Ancon from Marina Blanca, directly across the road from Hotel Ancon.

7. Wander The Streets

Trinidad Local Neighborhood

Exploring Trinidad’s Neighborhoods

Trinidad has an older “city center” area around Plaza Mayor where most of the historic buildings and attractions are located. It’s a pedestrian walking area, no cars are allowed. Most tourists tend to stick around Plaza Mayor.

But taking a long walk down some of Trinidad’s side streets until you get completely lost is one of my favorite things to do. You’ll get a glimpse of what life in Trinidad truly looks like.

Locals often gather on doorsteps and street curbs, hiding from the relentless sun. You may see games of dominoes, deep conversations, bird cages hanging from porches. Don’t be afraid to say hello — and ask some questions too. Most people will be happy to chat!

8. Dance To Traditional Music

Casa de Musica Trinidad

Sunset From Casa de Musica

Every night around 7pm locals and tourists alike will dance salsa at the open-air Casa de Musica. Order a cocktail and sit down to watch from the wide stone staircase as the sun sets, soaking up the atmosphere.

The steps are one of Trinidad’s few public wifi hotspots, so you’ll see plenty of people on their smartphones for a quick Facebook or Instagram fix.

Music is a big part of Cuban life, especially in Trinidad. Musicians set up on street corners, public parks, or inside restaurants. There’s even a cool nightclub called Disco Ayala that set inside a natural cave!

9. Go Horseback Riding

Trinidad Cuba Horseback Riding

Riding Horses in Trinidad

When Anna and I wanted to go horseback riding, we just asked the first guy we came across. “No problem!” he said. His friend owns horses and can take us into the mountains for a few hours.

Cuban cowboys were frequently riding their horses down Trinidad’s streets, so we knew it wouldn’t be difficult.

Jesus, our guide, led us out of town past Cuban tobacco farms and up into the dry hills behind Trinidad. We made our way through a forest, eventually arriving at a swimming hole to cool off from the day’s heat.

10. Topes De Collantes National Park

Topes de Collantes Nature Park

Hiking to Vegas Grandes Waterfall

The Sierra del Escambray Mountains are Cuba’s 2nd largest mountain range. It was here some CIA sponsored anti-Castro “bandits” hid in the mountains and fought to try and take back the new socialist government.

The Escambrays are home to Topes De Collantes National Park, a beautiful nature reserve where you can go hiking, horseback riding, visit numerous waterfalls, or relax with a scenic picnic.

The drive into the mountains is pretty steep, but we still managed with our rental car. After stopping at the visitor’s center, we hiked to a stunning blue waterfall & swimming hole called Vegas Grandes. The hike took 2 hours round trip.

11. Valle De Los Ingenios

Valle De Los Ingenios Trinidad

Rural Cuban Farm Home

Trinidad was one of the most prosperous cities in Cuba due to enormous sugar production in the nearby Valle de los Ingenios (Valley of the Sugar Mills) which still has some working sugar mills/fields.

The region once housed 50 sugar mills and 30,000 slaves to work the fields. During the 18th and 19th centuries this valley was the sugar producing capital of the world.

Don’t miss the Manaca Iznaga Plantation if you visit the valley, where you can see the remains of the plantation’s main house, a huge tower, and the old slave quarters. You can even ride a classic steam train into the valley from Trinidad.

Trinidad taxi by horse

Horse-Cart Taxi in Trinidad

Trinidad Donkey Man

Trinidad’s Famous Donkey Man…

Getting To Trinidad

Trinidad is located in South Central Cuba, a 5-hour drive from Havana by car. With our rental car, we took a longer route through Playa Giron, a nice way to break up the trip and go scuba diving at the famous Bay Of Pigs.

By bus, it’s a 7 hour trip from Havana and costs $25 USD/CUC. The Viazul Bus terminal in Havana is located at the corner of Avenida 26 and Avenida Zoologico. You often have to buy tickets at the station one day in advance.

You can rent your own vintage 1950’s taxi (with driver) for about $100-$120 per day, or share a taxi with other travelers and split the cost. Just keep in mind these old cars break down from time to time.

Casa Particular Trinidad Cuba

Hostal Vidal (Casa Particular)

Where To Stay In Trinidad

We based ourselves in Trinidad Cuba for 2 nights at Hostal Vidal, located across from the bus station (there’s no website). Here are some other recommendations for places to stay in Trinidad.

Best Accommodation In Trinidad

[su_row class=””]
[su_column size=”1/3″ center=”no” class=””]
Hostal Dona Antonia

[su_column size=”1/3″ center=”no” class=””]
Hotel E La Calesa

[su_column size=”1/3″ center=”no” class=””]
Iberostar Grand Hotel

[su_note note_color=”#DCEFF5″ text_color=”#333333″ radius=”3″ class=””]
Have you ever considered short-term apartment rentals? It’s a great way to save money! Click here to learn how to get $35 off your first booking.[/su_note]

Streets of Trinidad

Cobblestoned Streets & Old Cars

Trinidad Travel Tips & Advice

  • Because Trinidad is part of Cuba’s tourist trail, you won’t be able to escape the Jineteros, or hustlers. While they aren’t nearly as bad as they are in Havana, they’re around.
  • Everyone and their grandmother is trying to sell you something. Taxi rides, cigars, casas particulares, bicycles for rent, or they want to show you a great restaurant their cousin owns.
  • Don’t lose your cool. Be nice, but firm, and say no thanks. You really can’t blame them for trying — Cubans don’t have many options for earning extra money — their government salary is about $30 per MONTH.
  • Independent travel in Cuba is raw, challenging, and refreshing, but the hustlers can be annoying sometimes too.

TRAVEL VIDEO: Exploring The Best Of Cuba

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for new Adventure Travel Videos!
(Click to watch BEST OF CUBA | Havana, Vinales, Trinidad on YouTube)

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Packing Guide

Check out my travel gear guide to help you start packing for your trip.

Book Your Flight

Ready to fly? Here’s how I find the cheapest airline flights.

Cheap Accommodation

Learn how I save money booking hotels & vacation apartments.

Protect Your Trip

Don’t forget travel insurance! Protect yourself from possible injury & theft abroad. Read why you should always carry travel insurance.

Recommended Guidebook: Lonely Planet Cuba
Suggested Reading: The Other Side Of Paradise

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Things to do in Trinidad, Cuba. More at
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Things to do in Trinidad, Cuba. More at


I hope you enjoyed my guide on what to do in Trinidad, Cuba! Hopefully you found it useful. Here are a few more wanderlust-inducing articles that I recommend you read next:

Have any questions about visiting Trinidad Cuba? Are you planning to travel there soon? Join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to share!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

Horseback Riding & Cuban Tobacco Farms In Viñales Sun, 29 May 2016 15:02:35 +0000 Riding through endless fields of green tobacco and fertile red soil in Viñales, we passed local farmers harvesting the leaves that would become Cuba's world famous cigars.

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.


Vinales Cuba Travel Guide

Exploring the Tobacco Farms of Viñales, Cuba

Viñales, Cuba

Riding through endless fields of green tobacco and fertile red soil in Viñales, we passed local farmers harvesting the leaves that would become Cuba’s world-famous cigars.

Viñales is a small town located on the Western tip of Cuba. Set in a beautiful lush valley with funky looking hills and limestone caves, people have been growing tobacco in the area for over 200 years.

We were traveling in Cuba on a 10 day adventure, and hired Jose and his sweet red 1957 Ford Victoria to drive the four of us 3 hours from Havana to Viñales, passing a handful of other classic cars and horse-drawn carriages on Cuba’s poorly maintained highways.

Viñales Cuba Travel Guide

Tobacco Barn in Vinales

Tobacco Barn in Vinales

Vinales Cars

Plenty of Classic Cars

Cuba’s Home Of Tobacco

Viñales feels stuck in time. The main street is lined with small single-story wooden homes with faded paint. Locals pass by riding old bicycles, horses, or driving colorful vintage American cars.

While there are some hotels in town, most travelers stay with locals in casas particulares, which are like guest bedrooms in other people’s homes.

Our host was Lay, a welcoming lady who turned her home into a guesthouse with two double rooms. This is how many Cubans make extra income beyond their communist government regulated salary of about $30 USD per month.

The town has plenty of small restaurants and bars with live music, but it doesn’t feel overcrowded. In fact, Viñales is rumored to be Fidel Castro’s favorite part of Cuba!

Horseback Riding Vinales Cuba

Horseback Riding Through Tobacco Farms

Vinales Cigars

Best Cigars in the World?

Viñales National Park

Viñales Valley was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site due to its dramatic landscape of karst limestone domes called mogotes, traditional agricultural methods of farming, and rich cultural history.

The valley was formed underwater, rising from the sea millions of years ago. Ancient ocean fossils can still be found in the caves that dot the landscape.

The New York Times called Viñales one of the top places to visit.

But aside from being a beautiful travel destination, Viñales is known for the quality of its tobacco. I’m not a “smoker” per se, but I do enjoy the occasional cigar at the end of a big trek or for special occasions.

So I was excited to learn how Cuba’s world-famous cigars are actually made.

Tobacco Farm Cuba

Harvesting Tobacco Leaves

Vinales Livestock

Friendly Livestock!

How To Make Cuban Cigars

Why are Cuban cigars so special? Well, many people believe Cuba is the birthplace of cigars. Christopher Columbus encountered native Cubans smoking cylindrical bundles of twisted tobacco leaves in 1492.

The practice was eventually exported to Europe, and by the 19th century, smoking cigars became a popular pastime for wealthy men — who formed special cigar clubs called divans.

Cuba’s time-honored tobacco growing and production techniques were exported to places like the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. Then came the United States trade embargo, making Cuban cigars illegal — and increasing their value even more.

The fertile land and favorable climate of Viñales make for perfect cigar tobacco growing conditions. Most residents here are in the tobacco farming business.

Farmhouse in Vinales

Pastel Colored Farmhouse

Vinales Tobacco Farm Tour

Papito, our Tobacco Farm Guide

Vinales Tobacco Farm Tours

We hired a local guide from our guesthouse to take a horseback ride tour of Viñales National Park, learning about the traditional techniques used here for hundreds of years.

No machines are used in the tobacco growing process, which means crops are picked by hand and fields are plowed with oxen.

Passing through farms with pigs, chickens, and turkeys, we rode along green tobacco fields where local workers were harvesting the last of the season’s prized leaves. Tobacco grows fast, ready for harvest after 2-3 months.

The leaves are then hung in special curing barns, where they dry for about a month, turning a toasty brown color. The Cuban government buys 90% of the tobacco, while locals are allowed to keep 10% for themselves.

To prepare Cuban cigars, the center vein of the leaf is removed, where 98% of the nicotine resides. Next, leaves are sprayed with a special mixture of ingredients like pineapple, lemon, honey, cinnamon, vanilla, and rum for the fermentation process.

Three different types of leaves are used to roll the final cigar — filler (inside), binder (holding it together), and the wrapper (visually appealing outer layer).

Tobacco Barn Cuba

Tobacco Drying Barn

Vinales Cuba Cowboys

Cuban Cowboys

Other Adventures In Viñales

Visiting tobacco farms isn’t the only thing to do in Viñales though. As part of the farm tour, we also explored one of the many limestone caves in the area. Rock climbing these unique limestone formations is a popular activity too.

Aside from guided horseback riding, you can also rent a bicycle, ATV, or motorcycle and explore the valley on your own. There’s a popular cave called Cueva del Indio where you can ride a boat on the underground river that flows through the cave.

We heard stories about a nice little beach about an hour North of Viñales called Cayo Jutías, but didn’t have time to visit.

Make sure to stop by the massive Viñales Mural de la Prehistoria, this colorful work of art was created by Leovigildo González Morillo. In it, he portrays world history from the age of dinosaurs up to the arrival of humans.

Mural de la Prehistoria in Vinales

Mural de la Prehistoria in Vinales

Traveling from Havana to Vinales

Traveling from Havana to Vinales

Getting To Vinales

Viñales is located about 3-4 hours West of Havana. A regular Viazul Bus runs twice a day for about $15 USD per person. Try to buy your ticket a day in advance.

Or you can do what we did, and rent a vintage taxi from Havana to Vinales with room for 4 people for about $60-$70 depending on your bargaining skills.

The final option is booking a full day-trip tour that includes round-trip transportation from Havana.

Where To Stay In Vinales

My suggestions for great places to stay during your trip to Vinales, Cuba. You can always book a horseback riding tour directly from your guesthouse like we did from Hostal Casa Lay, where we stayed.

Best Accommodation In Vinales

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Hostal Casa Lay

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Casa Margarita

Vinales Ox Cart

Ox Cart Animal Power

Vinales Travel Tips & Advice

  • If someone offers you a free farm tour to learn about cigar making, they’ll end with a pitch to buy a bundle of 15 cigars for about $1 USD each. Don’t be cheap and not buy from them!
  • The guided farm tours through the National Park cost about $35 CUC per person if you book directly with locals once you arrive.

“If I cannot smoke in heaven, then I shall not go.” ~ Mark Twain

Travel Video: Viñales Farm Adventure!

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for new Adventure Travel Videos!

(Click to watch Viñales Farm Adventure – Cuba on YouTube)

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Packing Guide

Check out my travel gear guide to help you start packing for your trip.

Book Your Flight

Ready to fly? Here’s how I find the cheapest airline flights.

Cheap Accommodation

Learn how I save money booking hotels & vacation apartments.

Protect Your Trip

Don’t forget travel insurance! Protect yourself from possible injury & theft abroad. Read why you should always carry travel insurance.

Recommended Guidebook: Lonely Planet Cuba
Suggested Reading: The Other Side Of Paradise

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HHorseback Riding & Cigars in Vinales, Cuba. More at


I hope you enjoyed my guide to Vinales Cuba! Hopefully you found it useful. Here are a few more wanderlust-inducing articles that I recommend you read next:

Are you planning to visit Cuba? Have you ever smoked a cigar? Join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to share!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.

How To Travel To Cuba: The Ultimate Guide For Americans Mon, 25 Apr 2016 20:41:47 +0000 Thinking of traveling to Cuba? The new rules are confusing, but it's still possible. Learn how to travel to Cuba as an American with my free guide!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.


Travel to Cuba for Americans

How To Travel to Cuba

Cuba Travel Tips

Can you travel to Cuba with an American passport? Yes, but there are still some restrictions and hoops to jump through. Here’s how to legally travel to Cuba as an American!

[su_note note_color=”#DCEFF5″ text_color=”#333333″ radius=”3″ class=””]
President Trump announced changes in travel rules for Cuba. However, you CAN still travel to Cuba if you meet certain requirements. Keep reading below for more details!

How To Travel To Cuba In 2020

Traveling To Cuba On A US Passport

Traveling to Cuba for Americans

Me Exploring the Tobacco Farms of Viñales

Yes, Americans can travel to Cuba. But not as easily as other countries. There are some additional steps to take.

Just because travel to Cuba for Americans is restricted, doesn’t mean it’s impossible to visit. In fact you can often fly directly to Cuba from a handful of international airports in the United States like New York City, Miami, Ft Lauderdale, and some others.

You can also travel to Cuba from “foreign gateway” cities like Toronto, Canada or Cancun, Mexico — like we did. For many years, this was actually the easiest way to travel to Cuba before US airlines restarted flights to Havana a few years ago.

The Cuban government allows Americans to visit, it’s only the United States that has tried to implement special restrictions on tourism there due to the Cuban Trade Embargo.

Government officials don’t care too much about independent travelers in Cuba. Unless you’re an American business making money in Cuba, or you’re overly loud about your trip, you probably don’t have much to worry about!

Valid Travel Categories

Travel in Cuba: Havana Streets

Travel Categories for Americans

As an American, you can travel to Cuba if the reason for your travel fits a certain category. These include family visits, professional reasons, journalism, religious or cultural programs, and humanitarian projects.

You do not need pre-approval for such a license, but technically your visit should match one of the categories to stay legal. Just in case the US Government decides to ask later (which is rare).


  • Family visits
  • Official business of the U.S. government, foreign governments, and certain intergovernmental organizations
  • Journalistic activity
  • Professional research and professional meetings
  • Educational activities
  • Religious activities
  • Public performances, clinics, workshops, athletic and other competitions, and exhibitions
  • Support for the Cuban people
  • Humanitarian projects
  • Activities of private foundations or research or educational institutes
  • Exportation, importation, or transmission of information or information materials
  • Certain export transactions that may be considered for authorization under existing regulations and guidelines.

Foreign Gateway Cities

Cuban Locals playing Dominoes

Game of Dominoes in the Streets of Havana

The other option is to travel to Cuba through a foreign gateway city. This means flying yourself to Canada or Mexico first, then traveling to Cuba on your own from one of those countries.

Because for the rest of the world, Cuba has been a popular travel destination for many years. It’s only us Americans who haven’t been able to visit Cuba!

Going to Cuba via a foreign gateway city, as a tourist, has some risks. A few people have been fined by the Treasury Department in the past, and in fact I was eventually subpoenaed by them years later, and sent a warning.

Enforcement of this rule seems to vary depending on who’s in charge though, and probably how public you are with sharing your trip.

Generally, if you take this route, the government won’t know you were in Cuba unless you flaunt that fact. Cuban immigration will offer to not stamp your passport, so when you return to the US through Mexico or Canada, there’s no obvious indication of your “side trip” to Cuba.

Getting A Tourist Card

Cuban Visa for Americans

My $20 Cuban Tourist Card

I traveled to Cuba as an American with my girlfriend (now wife) Anna and our friends Hannah & Adam from Getting Stamped.

We traveled through the popular foreign gateway city of Cancun, Mexico.

We bought 30-day Cuban tourist visas at the airport in Cancun for $20.

Visas were purchased at the check in counter (or while waiting in line) before your flight. The visa is a separate card you keep with your passport, but it’s not attached.

We flew into Havana from Cancun on the Mexican budget airline Interjet for $240 USD round trip, and the flight took about an hour.

Cuban Immigration Process

The Cuban immigration process was super simple. I told the officer in Havana that I was traveling to Cuba for tourism, and he offered to stamp my visa card instead of my passport. This has been standard operating procedure for years.

Cuba WANTS American tourism, so they offer to stamp your visa card instead of your actual passport, so you don’t get in trouble with the US government later.

This way, when you return to the United States, it just looks like you traveled to Mexico. Or Canada. There’s no passport record of your travel to Cuba. They will never know you were there unless they really decide to dig into the specifics.

However, I asked the Cuban immigration agent to stamp my passport directly. I was curious about what would happen when I returned to the United States. Would anyone ask me about it? Would I get fined or arrested?

Nothing happened. When I returned to the United States, immigration didn’t even ask me what countries I’d been to, and they didn’t look at my passport stamps either.

Health Insurance In Cuba

People traveling to Cuba are required to have Cuban health insurance. Don’t worry, they have one of the best healthcare systems in the world!

The easiest way to sign up is when you arrive at Havana’s airport. There’s a small booth before Customs where you can purchase a Cuban health policy for just a few dollars per day.

Prepare A Cuba Itinerary

Support for Cuban People

Support Cuban People with Your Trip

While it is extremely unlikely that the US government will decide to ask you questions about your trip to Cuba, just to be safe, I recommend planning an full-time (6 hours per day) travel itinerary that will meet the requirements for traveling to Cuba as an American.

Your itinerary should include plenty of approved activities — like visiting independent museums, talking with local artists, and spending time with your casa particular hosts, learning about their way of life.

You should also document your trip much more than you might when traveling to other countries. Ask for and save all receipts given to you. Take plenty of photos, and record the names of any businesses you visit.

Just so that if they do ask (again, very unlikely), you’ll be ready with a folder full of proof that you didn’t spend money on any Cuban government-run businesses, and instead trying to support the Cuban people while you were there.

Because sitting on the beach all week while staying at government-run hotels won’t go over well…

The Restricted List

How do you know which businesses are run by the Cuban government? There’s a restricted business list maintained by the US State Department. Americans are not allowed to spend any money at these hotels, restaurants, or tour companies due to their connection with the Cuban military.

Exchanging Money In Cuba

Cuban Currency

Two Different Kinds of Money

Credit & debit cards issued by American banks still don’t work in Cuba. So a trip to the island involves bringing lots of cash. How much? To give you an idea, you can travel there comfortably on $50 – $100 per day.

Bring more than you need to be safe. If you run out, you’re out of luck!

Cuba actually has two different currencies. The Cuban Convertible Peso (CUC) is the “tourist” currency, pegged to the American dollar. The Cuban Peso (CUP) is what locals use, and worth a lot less. So when you exchange money as a tourist, you’ll receive CUC.

$1 USD = 1 CUC = 24 CUP

You can exchange US dollars for CUC, but there is a special 10% penalty fee for this service. So it’s cheaper to exchange Euros, Canadian Dollars, British Pounds, or Mexican Pesos for CUC instead.

There’s an official currency exchange outside the airport in Havana. You can exchange your leftover CUC back to US dollars (or whatever) before you leave the country too.

Ultimate Cuba Travel Guide

What about accommodation in Cuba? How do you get around once you’re there? Do they have wifi? What should you eat there?

These are all questions I had before visiting for the first time, that’s why I’ve put together a complete travel guide to Cuba for you based on my experience.

Learn where to eat, fun things to do in Cuba, examples from my 10-day itinerary, and much more!

History Of The Trade Embargo

Back in 1960, the United States imposed a severe trade embargo against Cuba. The Blockade was created after Cuba nationalized American-owned oil refineries without compensation.

As part of this embargo, travel to Cuba by Americans has been restricted for over half a century.

Or more specifically, it’s technically illegal for U.S. citizens to have transactions (spend money or receive gifts) in Cuba under most circumstances.

Basically, a backdoor (and very likely unconstitutional way) of preventing most Americans from traveling to Cuba.

Due to economic sanctions, air travel to Cuba from the United States was almost impossible. American credit & debit cards don’t work in Cuba either.

However rules for traveling to Cuba are finally beginning to change. Lets hope it gets even easier in the future!

FAQ: Top Cuba Travel Questions

Passport Stamp Cuba

My Pink Cuban Passport Stamps!

What Is The Cuban Exit Fee?

As of May 1st 2015, Cuba no longer charges the $25 CUC exit fee to travelers leaving the country, this fee is now included in the price of your airline.

Is Water Safe To Drink In Cuba?

Tap water in Cuba is not safe to drink, and bottled water can sometimes be difficult to find depending on where you are. If you plan on traveling to Cuba, I recommend picking up a LifeStraw Filtered Water Bottle. It’s better for the environment too!

Can You Bring Back Cuban Cigars?

I thought you’d never ask! So officially, if you are traveling to Cuba under one of the 12 special categories, you are now allowed to bring back $400 worth of souvenirs, including up to $100 worth of Cuban cigars. Yay!

I managed to bring 30 Cuban cigars back into the United States. I was never questioned about tobacco, and it’s not listed on the customs form as something I have to declare anyway.

Is Traveling To Cuba Ethical?

Good question. While it’s probably impossible to completely avoid giving some of your tourist dollars to the Cuban Government, traveling to Cuba does help the local economy there, which has been hurting badly for years.

Everyone seems to be worried that Cuba is going to get “destroyed” by American tourism, which seems ridiculous to me.

Sure, things will slowly change over time, as they do. Old buildings will get repaired, newer cars will fill the roadways, etc. But those changes will IMPROVE the lives of Cubans — which is a good thing.

It’s really pretty arrogant and egotistical for tourists to wish Cuba remains in a perpetual state of decay for their personal entertainment.

Cubans deserve progress and a better life, just like the rest of us!

TRAVEL VIDEO: Exploring the Best of Cuba!

Subscribe to my YouTube Channel for new Adventure Travel Videos!
(Click to watch BEST OF CUBA | Havana, Trinidad, and Vinales on YouTube)

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Packing Guide

Check out my travel gear guide to help you start packing for your trip.

Book Your Flight

Ready to fly? Here’s how I find the cheapest airline flights.

Cheap Accommodation

Learn how I save money booking hotels & vacation apartments.

Protect Your Trip

Don’t forget travel insurance! Protect yourself from possible injury & theft abroad. Read why you should always carry travel insurance.

Recommended Guidebook: Lonely Planet Cuba
Suggested Reading: The Other Side Of Paradise

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How to Travel to Cuba for Americans. More at
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How to Travel to Cuba for Americans. More at


I hope you enjoyed my guide to Cuban travel for Americans! Hopefully you found it useful. Here are a few more wanderlust-inducing articles that I recommend you read next:

Have any questions about how to travel to Cuba? Are you planning a trip there? Join the conversation on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter to share!

This is a post from The Expert Vagabond adventure blog.
