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Sak Yant Tattoos

The Magic Sak Yant Tattoo

Over 40 people watched in silence as a monk repeatedly penetrated my flesh.

Helpful Travel Tips

My 50 Best Travel Tips

Here are my best tips to help you save money & become an expert traveler.

Iceland Travel Guide

Secrets Of The Ring Road

Check out my free 7-10 day Iceland itinerary & travel guide.

Adventure Travel

Exploding Volcano

Camping On A Volcano

Guatemala’s volcano Santiaguito erupts with an explosion every few hours.

Darien Gap

Hiking In The Darien Gap

Exploring a remote & dangerous jungle region on the edge of Panama.

Greenland Icecap

Trekking The Arctic Circle

Walking over 100 miles alone for 10 days in remote Greenland.

Travel Photography

Travel Photography Tips

20 Travel Photography Tips

How to take better photos of your travel adventures around the world.

Top Travel Cameras

Best Travel Cameras

Looking for a camera upgrade? Here are my top travel camera picks.

Northern Lights

Shooting Northern Lights

Learn settings & techniques for capturing the aurora borealis.

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Digital Nomad Tips

Becoming A Digital Nomad

How to work remotely as a digital nomad traveling the world.

Travel Jobs

40 Best Travel Jobs

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Get Paid To Travel

How I Get Paid To Travel

The many different ways I make money while traveling.

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Adventure Travel Video
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